Date Cincy has the perfect formula for finding great chemistry
Tired of dating apps? We are too. At Date Cincy we believe that the lost art of meeting people in person is the best approach to finding real connections!
In Person Events
All of Cincy's singles in one place, just show up!
No More Swiping
Finally, you can give your fingers a rest from swiping
Real connections
Experience in person chemistry instead of waiting for a match
Success Stories
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In person events per year
We typically host two events each month. That means you'll have around 24 chances each year to connect with other singles in Cincy!
Cincy singles connected on social media
Our community is huge, and it's always growing! Date Cincy is a great way to link up with thousands of other singles in the Cincinnati area who are also interested in making real in person connections.
In person connections in our first year
We've helped connect an insane amount of singles in Cincinnati. Seriously. When you put hundreds of singles together, multiple times a month and come up with fun ways for them to mix and mingle, the number of connections is astronomical!